What Is It With The Card?

Arlington Foodies cards started out as a beautiful way of saying, "Hey! I am an Arlington Foodie and I'm going to share your information on social media." Before we knew it, they made such an impact in Arlington that local restaurants started giving discounts to Arlington Foodies group members who showed their card at the register. Under our "secret" group, there is a list in our files of restaurants that participate. There is no fee to join our group and the restaurants took it upon themselves to offer this discount to foodies as a way of encouraging our group to visit their location. We have now distributed over 4,000 cards in the Arlington location to restaurants and member. We keep our card as a badge of honor and share it with people we invite to the group. It is just another wonderful way the Arlington Foodies community grows!

Where Can I Get A Card?

Cards are scattered throughout Arlington local restaurants. Ask at the register if they offer discounts or provide Arlington Foodies cards. You can also get a card at many of the swarms or events we host.



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